What is The Village?

The village was created to come alongside and disciple special needs families and persons with disabilities. As a church, our mission is to help people follow Jesus. The Village bridges the gap between special needs individuals and individuals with disabilities and the rest of the church by prioritizing their access to worship, fellowship, and the word of God.

"Take a moment to witness the incredible support and love shown by The Village in this touching testimony video, as they come alongside a family in our special needs ministry during their time of need."

What Can I Expect?

O-11 Years Old:

Our team is fully trained with an emphasis in working with individuals with special needs and disabilities. We also have a Nurse on staff for each service. Everyone is background checked and committed to share Christ with EVERYONE. We believe that God has a plan for us all and none of us are insignificant. We want every person we serve to delight in fellowship, worship and grow in the Word of God. It takes a village and we can’t wait to serve your family! We have volunteers available to assist in regular Sunday class settings as well as sensory rooms when 1 on 1 sensory breaks are needed.

Youth and Adult:

Our team is fully trained with an emphasis in working with individuals with special needs and disabilities. We also have a Nurse on staff for each service. Everyone is background-checked and committed to share Christ with EVERYONE. We believe that God has a plan for us all and none of us are insignificant. We want every person we serve to delight in fellowship, worship and grow in the Word of God. It takes a village and we can’t wait to serve your family! For youth and adults, we have a sensory room manned each service with our amazing team members. We teach a Bible curriculum that adapts to a variety of cognitive and intellectual abilities and encourages our participants to serve within our church when possible.

Join us in this profound exploration of the biblical concept of "Hesed," a term that embodies the life-sustaining grace of God, an active love that goes beyond expectations and cultural norms. Explore how Hesed compels us to seek out those in need, to see people as they are, and to take an active role in God's mission. As we delve into these reflections, we discover that Hesed is a call to personal involvement and a commitment to seeing God's kindness in action. This is what The Village is all about!

How Can We Partner With Your Family?

During weekend service times, we provide access to ministry for individuals of all ages. Our goal is to support children with special needs or disability up to grade 6 and youth from grade 7 to 12, in age appropriate classrooms with assistance (buddies) or other accommodations whenever possible. We also provide a sensory room to be used by children and their families or buddies, whenever cool downs or sensory breaks are necessary.  

For adults with special needs or disability, we provide a safe and accessible sensory room to view weekend services with family or village buddies.  

Please fill out the family interest form below if you would like information about how our special needs ministry can best serve your family. 

Become The Village!

Team members are what make The Village the blessing it is to the special needs families of Chapel Springs. We are looking for people committed to the vision of an inclusive, accepting, loving and supportive church that creates opportunities for individuals of all abilities to share Christ with others.


    Complete this form if you would like to know how our special needs ministry can serve your family.


    Fill this form out if you or a family member has a special need that you would like accommodations for.