In January 1937, a body of believers began meeting in what is now a theatre in downtown Manassas. The church eventually built a new facility and settled at its current location on New Life Way. The land where Chapel Springs is situated was once advertised as, “A never-failing stream of excellent pure water.” Former Lead Pastor Scott Leib says, “What a perfect description for a freshwater spring, but also for a church. That advertisement perfectly captures our desire to provide people a never-failing source of life and hope through Jesus. Throughout the Bible, springs are a powerful metaphor for new life. And new life is what we seek to bring to our community—by serving those in need, by creating space for close relationships in this hectic part of the world, and, most of all, by helping people come to know Jesus Christ.”
That is how it all started…
TODAY, we are a dynamic and thriving church ministering to multiple generations with a diverse culture. It was and still is our pursuit to disciple the body of Christ in the way of abiding, the way of community and the way of mission.