The Board of Deacons, after seeking the Lord’s guidance and careful consideration, nominate Dr. Stephanie Lynn Nance to be the next Chapel Springs Church Lead Pastor.  Dr. Nance’s extensive experience and education has prepared her for this important role.  Her exemplary performance over the past nine months as interim lead pastor has also demonstrated her abilities as a leader and guide for Chapel Springs.  The Board feels strongly that she has been molded by the Lord for this position and will take our church to new depths of relationship with Him and effectively lead us on in fulfilling the Great Commission.

It is with great pleasure that we present to you our nomination for the next Lead Pastor of Chapel Springs, Dr. Stephanie Lynn Nance.


01: Sunday, April 7th

Announce Candidate Live.

02: Sunday, April 21st

Town Hall Meet & Greet | 3:00pm | Childcare Provided

03: Sunday, May 19th

A Special Message From Dr. Stephanie

04: Sunday, May 19th

Membership Votes

Childcare and lunch are provided for members.

In-person voting only.

Deacon Board Rationale for Nominating Dr. Stephanie Nance

The Deacon Board developed criteria that each lead pastor candidate would be evaluated against.  These final eight criteria enabled the board to generate a list of 46 questions for the candidate’s interview.  Dr. Nance’s responses to those questions, her exemplary performance as the interim lead pastor, her extensive academic accomplishments, and the peace of the Holy Spirit have led the deacons to nominate her for the lead pastor position.  Here is how Dr. Nance met or exceeded the criteria:


1.       Ordained AG minister in good standing with the General Council and Network in which credentials are held (per Chapel Springs Constitution)

The board verified with the Potomac Ministry Network Dr. Nance’s credentials and found them to be active and in order.  She is highly respected by members of the General Council, as well as significant individuals within the Assemblies of God hierarchy. The board verified her references and was impressed by the strong messages of support in the conversations with the authors of those letters. Her name is recognized due to her numerous teaching endeavors at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary of Evangel University, Ascent College, and the University of Valley Forge, as well as her numerous publications.  Dr. Nance brings an established level of academic rigor to Chapel Springs.


2.       Demonstrated Leadership

Dr. Nance earned her doctorate degree studying Leadership and Spiritual Formation.  We have already reaped the benefits of her degree here at Chapel Springs.  She developed and implemented the spiritual formation focus, to include our life groups structure, and spearheaded some of our most popular and successful spiritual emphasis programs, e.g. Abide, and Immerse Bible reading, to name just two.  She has held the positions of youth pastor, music pastor, associate pastor, and interim lead pastor (twice).  She has also represented Chapel Springs and the Potomac Ministry Network as the At-Large Executive Presbyter since 2018.  She is not only a critical asset to Chapel Springs, but a regional and national influencer as well.  Most notably, she has grown in experience and leadership while being an executive pastor here and was ready to step in as our interim lead pastor.  Although most interim pastors lead as a caretaker, Dr. Nance did not hesitate to keep Chapel Springs on course and keep development and spiritual plans moving forward. She has taken the challenges of lead pastorship head-on and is actively engaged in strengthening the church staff, raising the bar in professional standards and productivity, and creating a healthy and vibrant workplace environment.  As formal lead pastor, the board feels that Dr. Nance will take Chapel Springs to new levels of spirituality and accomplishments in the Great Commission.


3.       Sound Character

Dr. Nance has impressed the board and the congregation with her candor and transparency.  Not afraid to communicate her needs and the needs of the other executive pastors, she relayed to the congregation that she and the other pastors were seeking professional counseling during this stressful transition time.  During her interview, she openly discussed what challenges she would face as the lead pastor and what actions she would take to prepare her to meet and overcome those challenges.  In her 9+ years here at Chapel Springs, she has displayed a strong foundation in the Lord and a steady hand.


4.       Spirit - filled with initial evidence of speaking in tongues

Dr. Nance was baptized with the Spirit with initial evidence of speaking in tongues during her undergraduate studies.


5.       5+ years full-time ministry experience (Pastor, Spiritual Leader, Administrator)

(See résumé below)

6.       Personal Accountability

The board feels that personal accountability is critical to an individual with lead pastor responsibilities.  A candidate with an established network of support persons and accountability partners is not only prudent but crucial to the well-being of the lead pastor.  Dr. Nance has fostered an environment of trust among the staff and pastors at Chapel Springs where individuals can approach others about their struggles and behaviors.  Additionally, Dr. Nance relayed to the board her extensive list of mentors, advisors, and confidants that she uses to develop herself spiritually and emotionally and to keep her accountable.


7.       Relate to People

Dr. Nance has demonstrated her strong “people skills” to the church for almost 10 years.  The board was interested in how she would expand on these skills as the lead pastor.  She has already begun to attend some of the focused group events, for example, one of the SAGES trips.  She sees the need for ministry to specific groups like young adults from college age through their twenties.  During the last nine months, she has had to deal with grieving hearts, wounded psyches, uncertainty in the future with congregants and staff, and has been a calming and assuring figure throughout this time.  One deacon had the opportunity to witness her minister to a particularly aggrieved individual.  Her sensitivity to the individual’s hurt and her receiving and giving of the Holy Spirit to help heal that person was very impressive (and humbling to watch).


8.       Relate to Chapel Springs Culture 

Dr. Stephanie has helped develop and guide Chapel Springs's culture since 2014.  She knows where the church has come from and where we need to go.  Her heart; her DNA as it is, is part of the church’s DNA.  Her preaching, teaching, and spiritual guidance are mature and at a level appropriate for where the church is now and will lead us into the future.


See over 24 years of pastoral and professional ministry experience below:

  • The General Council of the Assemblies of God USA

    • Ordained Minister, 2005

    • Licensed Minister, 2001

  • Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry in Leadership & Spiritual Formation, 2013

    Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity in Expository Preaching, 2008

    Central Bible College, Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies, 2000

  • Chapel Springs Assembly of God – Bristow, Virginia 

    • Interim Lead Pastor – July 2023 - Present  

    • Executive Pastor of Spiritual Formation – January 2021 - Present  

    • Pastor of Spiritual Formation – December 2014 - Present  

    The Barn at Evangel Temple - Springfield, Missouri 

    • Preaching/Teaching Team, Development Team Leader – January 2011 – November 2014  

    Evangel Assembly of God - Juneau, Alaska 

    • Associate Pastor and Music Pastor – October 2000 – April 2005  

    • Interim Lead Pastor – March 2001 – June 2001 

    • Youth Pastor – April 2000 – October 2000  

  • Potomac Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God – Gainesville, Virginia 

    • At-Large Executive Presbyter – September 2018 – Present 

    General Council of the Assemblies of God – Springfield, Missouri 

    The Network for Women in Ministry (WIM) 

    • The Network Communications Strategist/Assistant to Chairperson – January 2009 – November 2014 

    Assemblies of God Theological Seminary of Evangel University - Springfield, Missouri 

    The Cordas C. Burnett Center for Biblical Preaching 

    • Assistant to Dr. Doug Oss, Director – August 2008 – May 2013

  • Ascent College – Gainesville, Virginia
    Adjunct Instructor – Fall 2020 – Present

    Assemblies of God Theological Seminary of Evangel University – Springfield, Missouri
    Adjunct Instructor – Spring 2019 – Present

    University of Valley Forge – Virginia Campus—Woodbridge, Virginia
    Adjunct Instructor – Fall 2016 – Fall 2018

Vision For The Future.

Dear Chapel Springs, 

Ten years ago this fall, I pulled up into the massive parking lot and nervously found my way inside the building. I was immediately intrigued by the history wall that I stumbled upon. The photos across the wall told the story of a church willing to follow where the Spirit would lead. Although a church that celebrated its history, Chapel Springs didn’t appear to gather around the embers of yesterday stuck in nostalgic reflection of what was; they were explorers of the possibilities to come.  

I smiled, knowing I had found my people—people of the Spirit.  

As the Spirit moved about the earth, looking to bring forth the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, I slowly settled in over the years. We have seen much uprooted and torn down, destroyed and overthrown. We’ve had to navigate the waters of racial tensions, political turmoil, and an unexpected pandemic. Although this transformed what we looked like as a church, we continued to follow the Spirit’s leading while staying anchored in Jesus.  

Despite what we’ve walked through, the years ahead can still appear daunting. Those entering our doors come with staggering brokenness that has manifested in purposeless lives, shattered marriages and families, deep depression, debilitating anxiety, and numbing levels of addiction. As I’ve prayed over the last several months, I see Chapel Springs arising as a sanctuary for the broken, abused, manipulated, hopeless, and lost. I see God making us a sanctuary for people to experience healing and wholeness that leads to a flourishing life within Christ.  

As the world becomes less stable, I see Chapel Springs continuing to cultivate lives that abide deeply in Jesus and with one another in community, rooting us so we can stand firm despite the wind raging around us. As people living the way of mission, I see us expanding our influence in our surrounding communities with our presence and resources. God recently challenged me with a thought; consider it with me: If Chapel Springs disappeared, would the community surrounding us feel our absence? Perhaps this question can encourage us as a church to evaluate where there is a need we can uniquely meet. 

Let me add a final word that ties into vision in a different way. I know some may wonder what it would look like to have a female pastor. Let me remind you of a few women who can ignite your imagination: 

  • Hulda, a prophet who knew the Word of the Lord and confirmed God’s ways in alignment with Scripture. 

  • Mary, the young mother of Jesus who humbly gave up her life’s plan to the unknowns of carrying Jesus into a godless, violent world.  

  • Anna, a prophet who gave over her life as a young widow to live at the temple well into old age to pray and fast for the coming Messiah.  

  • Phoebe, a deacon and benefactor in the Early Church who carried and explained Paul’s epistle to the Christians in Rome. 

  • Lydia, a wealthy businesswoman who became ministry partners with the apostle Paul, planting a church in her home for early believers to gather. 

  • Priscilla, a known and trusted teacher, missionary, and church planter in the Early Church who prioritized discipleship and is known for co-laboring alongside men in the work of the ministry. 

  • Countless women throughout church history who Christ gifted to the Church as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11). 

I am not about women’s empowerment. The Spirit of God is. In fact, He is about the empowerment of all flesh: women, men, and children! This is God’s vision and plan to restore us to the good life He intended for us from creation. Because of this, I am all about Spirit empowerment. From what I can see on our history wall, Chapel Springs has a rich history rooted in this as well. 

Thank you for considering me for your next lead pastor. If given the opportunity, I would serve with a steady presence, quiet confidence, and resilience, all of which will prove critical for the days ahead as the Church navigates the challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century. 

I look forward with the hope that our Father might allow me the tremendous privilege of being your next lead pastor, 




I have known Stephanie for over fifteen years in my role as lead pastor of Central Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, as well as general secretary of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

I consider Dr. Nance to be among our best and brightest in the Assemblies of God. She is intelligent, focused, hard working and passionate about the mission of Christ and the health of His church.

I have seen her earn the respect of some of the highest levels of leadership in the Assemblies of God. I would without reservation recommend Dr. Nance to you. She is a seasoned and experienced pastor who will add value wherever she leads.

Dr. James Bradford

Central Assembly of God | Lead Pastor
General Council of the Assemblies of God, General Secretary (2009 – 2018)

It is a privilege for me to write a recommendation on behalf of my colleague and friend, Dr. Stephanie Nance. She was first recommended and to me when I was leading the National Assemblies of God Task Force for Women in Ministry.

We began to work closely together serving AG credentialed women nationally in 2009 at the appointment of General Superintendent Dr. George Wood.

Pastor Stephanie has earned my respect over the years as a biblical scholar, pastor, mentor, and woman of character. She handles God’s Word with integrity and is deeply insightful and practical. I’ve watched her navigate very difficult, complicated issues and interpersonal relationships within organizations with wisdom and courage beyond her years.

God’s call is clearly on Dr. Stephanie Nance’s life and ministry “for such a time as this.” I believe she will be an asset to the Church, God’s people, and His mission wherever she serves.

Dr. Beth Grant

Project Rescue | Co-Founder

I have known Dr. Stephanie Nance for several years. And in that time, I have observed as she has led people of all backgrounds and ages with great wisdom and insight. She has proven to be a highly effective communicator and Pastor, bringing biblical insights in practical ways to those she is ministering to.

Having led a vibrant and growing church for over 30 years, I realize that there are many people who would like to serve as the Lead Pastor of Chapel Springs Church. However, bringing a person from outside the church that has little or no history with Chapel Springs will dramatically change the DNA and direction of the church. With Dr. Nance, you have a proven leader who knows the culture and the direction of the Church and has displayed great leadership and wisdom through seasons of favor and seasons of challenge. She will be an excellent choice to fill this vital role as Lead Pastor.

I am honored to recommend Dr. Stephanie Nance for this position. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Mark Lehmann

Cornerstone Church | Lead Pastor

Potomac Ministry Network | Assistant Superintendent

I was introduced to Dr. Stephanie Nance in 2019 when I joined the Potomac Ministry Network’s Board of Directors. I have grown to admire her thoughtful leadership on the Board. She has navigated contentious situations with the grace of an ambassador while speaking truth and guidance. Her quiet thoughtfulness always produces sound direction. The ability she has to assess an issue and distill it to its fundamentals always amazes me.

I heartily recommend Dr. Stephanie Nance as Lead Pastor.

Dr. Ric Lewellen

Springfield Assembly | Lead Pastor

Potomac Ministry Network | Regional Executive Presbyter

Stephanie excels in having an excellent grasp of spiritual formation. This is not always the case with pastors, even though it is a prime task to help their congregations grow in their spiritual walks. She is creative, while at the same time being grounded. She herself continues to grow and is a role model when it comes to character, transparency, and integrity.

Dr. Nance’s leadership style is more open than some. She invites participation, idea sharing, different perspectives, and is a team builder. She waits for more people to be heard and weigh in. This has served her well as she has navigated being the interim pastor amidst a difficult set of circumstances. Stephanie has a pastoral heart, listens well, and counsels with wisdom.

A final comment is in order. Stephanie Nance is not just another CEO style leader in the church. Although she understands how to run the ship, Pastor Nance is able to be a captain who navigates the waters of what God is doing. She is particularly spiritually astute, and that is who I want at the helm of the ship when I am the parishioner.

Dr. Carolyn Tennant

Visiting Professor of Spiritual Formation in the Doctoral Program Assemblies of God Theological Seminary of Evangel University, Springfield, MO
Professor Emerita at North Central University, Minneapolis, MN

Stephanie Nance is the most outstanding and excellent colleague that I’ve worked with over the course of my career. I’ve known her both professionally and personally for over three decades, first as an undergraduate student and then later as a colleague that I worked with directly on a daily basis.

In my experience as a pastor, missionary, ministry CEO, and professor, Stephanie has the personal character that is much sought after in higher level leadership positions. She is a leader of character. The attributes of integrity, trustworthiness, loyalty, work ethic, and the like, abound in her life both personally and professionally.

Dr. Stephanie Nance has my highest and full-hearted endorsement and recommendation without any reservation whatsoever.

Dr. Doug Oss

Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Professor Emeritus of Biblical Theology and New Testament Interpretation

With great enthusiasm and my highest recommendation, I write this letter of reference for the Reverend Doctor Stephanie Nance.

In the same way the Lord has gifted Dr. Nance to walk with people through discernment processes, He has also done this regarding organizations. As a military leader, I can say that Dr. Nance’s scriptural, spiritual, and strategic approach to ministry provides those within churches and other ministries with the foundation for recognizing that ministry requires risks. Her unwavering dedication to the mission and ministry to which God calls her helps organizations avoid mission drift. It also places all in the ministry/organization on a trajectory for achieving their common goal as a faith community.

Without reservation, I encourage you to consider having Dr. Nance join your team as the senior leader!

Dr. Daniel I. Morrison